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    School supplies

    Attendance Reporting

    Parent account creation and absence reporting information.
    Creating an account:
    1. Once your email address has been entered into the database at your child’s school, navigate to the website www.tvdsb.ca/schoolmessenger 
    2. Click “SIGN UP” button.
    3. You will be prompted to enter information in order to set up your Parent Account. *Be sure to enter the same email address that has been provided to your child’s school.*
    4. Within minutes, you will received an email with a link to complete the Sign Up process. Once the Sign Up process is complete, you will be able to log into your account using the website (www.tvdsb.ca/schoolmessenger) OR by using the SchoolMessenger app. The app is available in the App Store and Google Play under SchoolMessenger name.
    5. There is also a toll free number you can call to also report an absence. 1-844-305-3756

    Back to School

    Welcome Back Admirals!

    We are so happy to see you back in our buildings! Don't forget to bring a change of shoes and a water bottle to keep yourselves hydrated! It is going to be a great school year!

    If you are looking for support from Local Food Banks, please check out the link HERE to see where you can find additional support.

    Medical Care

    Individual Plan of Care

    Attention all Families with students that have medical conditions. Please go into your parent portal to complete any medical alerts you would like the school to know. Please see your portal for more information! These need to be completed ASAP to ensure our staff are aware. Thank you for your attention to this.

    Please click HERE to get started with your Parent Portal